CBSE Class 10 English Supplementary Reader Chapter 1 – Download PDF
A Triumph of Surgery is the first chapter of class 10th English supplementary textbook Footprints without Feet. The story starts with Mrs. Pumphery’s pet dog Tricki, who had become ill due to his excessive weight and lack of exercise. Mrs. Pumphery took him to a veterinary surgeon, Mr. James Herriot. Read the story to know what happened with Tricki at the surgeons. For a detailed explanation of this chapter, students can seek help from GharPeShiksha. At GharPeShiksha, we provide line by line explanation of each chapter incorporated in PDF notes. The PDFs further contain a summary of the chapter, difficult words with meaning, NCERT textbook exercise solutions, previous year questions with solutions, important questions that may come in the exam, values explained in the chapter, model answer sheets, etc. all compiled by the expert teachers at GharPeShiksha. Here is the PDF Notes File to download.

A Triumph of Surgery By James Herriot
I was really worried about Tricki this time. I had pulled up my car when I saw him in the street with his mistress and I was shocked at his appearance. He had become hugely fat, like a bloated sausage with a leg at each corner. His eyes, bloodshot and rheumy, stared straight ahead and his tongue lolled him his jaws.
Mr. Pumphrey hastened to explain, “He was also listless, Mr. Herriot. He seemed to have no energy. I thought he must be suffering from malnutrition. So I have given him some little extra between meals to build him up, some malt and cod-liver oil and a bowl of Horlicks at night to make him sleep – nothing much really.
“And did you cut down on the sweet things as I told you?” Oh, I did for a bit, but he seemed to be weak I had to relent. He does love cream cakes and chocolates so I can’t bear to refuse him.” I looked down again at the little dog. That was the trouble. Tricki’s only fault was greed. He has never been known to refuse food; he would tackle a meal at any hour of the day or night. And I wondered about all the things Mrs. Pumphrey had not mentioned. “Are you giving him plenty of exercise?” Well, he has his little walks with me as you can see, but Hodgkin, the gardener, is down with lumbago, so there has been no ring-throwing lately.
I tried to sound severe. Now I really mean this. If you don’t cut his food right down and give him more exercise he is going to be really ill. You must harden your heart and keep him on a very strict diet.”
Mrs. Pumphrey wrung her hands. Oh I will, Mr. Herriot. I’m sure you are right, but it is so difficult, so very difficult.” She set off, head down, along the road, as if determined to put the new regime into practice immediately.
I watched their progress with growing concern. Tricki was tottering along in his little tweed coat; he had a whole wardrobe of these coats – for the cold weather and a raincoat for the wet days. He struggled on, drooping in his harness. I thought it wouldn’t be long before I heard from Mrs. Pumphrey.
The expected call came within a few days. Mrs. Pumphrey was distraught. Tricki would eat nothing. Refused even his favourite dishes; and besides, he had bouts of vomiting. He spent all his time lying on a rug, panting. Didn’t want to go for a walks, didn’t want to do anything.
I had my plans in advance. The only way was to get Tricki out of the house for a period. I suggested that he be hospitalised for about a fortnight to be kept under observation. The poor lady almost swooned. She was sure he would pine and die if he did not see her every day.
But I took firm line. Tricki was very ill and this was the only way to save him; in fact, I thought it best to take him without delay, and followed by Mrs. Pumphrey’s wailings, I marched out to the car carrying the little dog wrapped in a blanket.
The entire staff was roused and maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, his night bed, favourite cushions, toys and rubber things, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl. Realising that my car would never hold all the stuff. I started to drive away. As I moved off, Mrs. Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner of the drive; everybody was in tears.
Out on the road, I glanced down at the pathetic little animal gasping on the seat by my side. I patted the head and Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you.”
At the surgery, the household dogs surged round me. Tricki looked down at the noisy pack with dull eyes and, when put down, lay motionless on the carpet. The other dogs, after sniffing round him for a few seconds, decided he was an uninteresting object and ignore him.
I made up a bed for him in a warm loose box next to to the one where the other dogs slept. For two days, I kept an eye on him, giving him no food but plenty of water. At the end of the second day he started to show some interest in his surroundings and on the third he began to whimper when he heard the dogs in the yard.
When I opened the door, Tricki trotted out and was immediately engulfed by Joe, the greyhound , and his friends. After rolling him over and thoroughly inspecting him, the dogs moved off down the garden. Tricki followed them, rolling slightly with his surplus fat.
Later that day, I was present at feeding time. I watched Tristan slopped the food into the bowl. There was the usual headlong rush followed by the sound of high-speed eating; every dog knew that if he fell behind the others he was liable to have some competition for the last part of his meal.
When they finished, Tricki took a walk round the shining bowl, licking causally inside one or two of them. Next day, an extra bowl was put out for him and I was pleased to see him jostling his way towards it.
From then on, his progress was rapid. He had no medicinal treatment of any kind but all day he ran about with the dogs, joining in their friendly scrimmages. He discovered the joys of being bowled over, tramped on and squashed every few minutes. He became an accepted member of the gang, an unlikely silky little object among the shaggy crew, fighting like a tiger for his share at mealtimes and hunting rats in the old hen-house at night. He had never had such a time in his life.
All the while, Mrs. Pumphrey was hovered anxiously in the background, ringing a dozen times a day for the latest bulletins. I dodged the question about whether his cushions were being turned regularly or his correct coat worn according to the weather; but I was able to tell her that the little fellow was out of danger and convalescing rapidly.
The word ‘convalescing’ seemed to do something to Mrs. Pumphrey. She started to bring round fresh eggs, two dozens at a time, to build up Tricki’s strength. For a happy period my partners and I had two eggs each for breakfast, but when the bottles of wines began to arrive, the real possibilities of the situation began to dawn on the household.
It was to enrich Tricki’s blood. Lunch became a ceremonial occasion with two glasses of wine before and several during the meal.
We could hardly believe when the brandy came to put a final edge on Tricki’s constitution. For a few nights the fine spirit was rolled around, inhaled and reverently drunk.
There were days of deep content, starting well with the extra egg in the morning, improved and sustained by the midday wine and finished luxuriously round the fire with the brandy.
It was a temptation to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest, but I knew Mrs. Pumphrey was suffering and after a fortnight, felt compelled to phone and tell her that the little dog had recovered and awaiting collection.
Within minutes, about thirty feet of gleaming black metal drew up outside the surgery. The chauffeur opened the door and I could just make out the figure of Mrs. Pumphrey almost lost in the interior. Her hands were tightly clasped in front of her; her lips trembled. “Oh, Mr. Herriot, do tell me the truth. Is he really better?”
“Yes, he is fine. There is no need for you to get out of the car – I will go and fetch him.”
I walked through the house into the garden. A mass of dogs was hurtling around and round the lawn and in their midst, ears flapping, tail waving, was the little golden figure of Tricki. In two weeks, he had been transformed into a lithe, hard-muscle animal; he was keeping up well with the pack, stretching out in great bounds, his chest almost brushing the ground.
I carried him back along the passage to the front of the house. The chauffeur was still holding the car door open and when Tricki saw his mistress he took off from my arm in a tremendous leap and sailed into Mrs. Pumphrey’s lap. She gave a startled “Ooh!” And and then had to defend herself as he swarmed over her, licking her face and barking.
During the excitement, I helped the chauffeur to bring out the beds, toys, cushions, coats and bowls and none of which had been used. As the car moved away, Mrs. Pumphrey leaned out of the window. Tears shone in her eyes. Her lips trembled.
“Oh, Mr. Herriot,” she cried, “how can I ever thank you? This is a triumph of surgery!”
A Triumph of Surgery Summary
James Enquires about Tricki
It was when James was driving that, he saw Mrs Pumphrey and Tricki walking down the street. He stopped his car to see how Tricki was doing. He was shocked to see that he had become fat like a sausage and was lacking energy. After enquiring from Mrs. Pumphrey about Tricki’s condition, he advised her to immediately stop giving the dog extra snack between meals. He also wanted her to make him exercise daily along with a strict diet in order to improve his health. Mrs. Pumphrey confessed that it was very difficult for her to do so but she agreed on giving it a try and walked off with Tricki.
Herriot Received an Expected Call
Mrs Pumphrey called James Herriot, the vet, hurriedly, as Tricki had refused to eat food. Her concern grew even more when he had bouts of vomiting. James drove to Mrs. Pumphrey’s house with a firm mindset that the only way to cure Tricki was to get him out of the house for some time. He suggested to Mrs. Pumphrey to hospitalise him for a fortnight for observation so that the proper treatment can follow. Although it broke Mrs. Pumphrey’s heart, she allowed James to take Tricki along with him to his surgery. He carried the dog wrapped in a blanket to his car.
All the house helpers started to get together the blankets, rugs, bowls, coats etc that they thought Tricki might need during his hospitalisation. James started to drive off as he knew that his car could not carry so many things. All that Mrs. Pumphrey managed to put were a few of his coats. Tricki left for the hospital leaving his caretakers behind in tears.
Tricki’s Stay and Recovery at the Hospital
Tricki laid motionless on the bed that the vet made for him on the first day. He was put on a water diet for almost two days. Even the household dogs didn’t bother him as he seemed uninterested in anything. After two days, he started responding a bit. On the following day, he whimpered (cried in low and weak sound), trotted (walked briskly) and joined the hound (hunting dog) in the garden. Later on the third day, he ran with enthusiasm when the food was served. He also gulped (swallowed) down the extra food that was put out for him. His recovery was speeding up. He had started running all day long and found joy in being bowled over and squashed. In spite of being a high maintenance dog, he had fitted in well with the gang of shabby and unkempt ones.
Mrs Pumphrey’s Concern
Mrs. Pumphrey used to phone the vet’s clinic several times a day. She was keen to record his recovery and maintenance at short intervals. James brushed away her questions about Tricki’s dressing, according to the weather but he didn’t fail to assure her that Tricki was out of danger. Upon learning about Tricki’s improving health, Mrs Pumphrey started sending additional food items, wine and brandy for Tricki, although this was not required. So the vet and his partner consumed these additional items themselves.
Tricki’s Better Condition
After two weeks, James called up Mrs Pumphrey to inform that Tricki was fit and could go home. Mrs Pumphrey reached the surgery within half an hour. While the chauffeur (driver) held the door open, she enquired about Tricki’s actual condition. She was concerned about his well being and wanted to be sure about it. James found Tricki playing with the pack. He had become healthy and strong in his two weeks stay. As James carried Tricki out to his mistress, he jumped off his arms and landed in his mistress’s lap. She was very happy at finding Tricki as excited as he used to be. He licked her face and wagged (swung) his tail. The chauffeur and the vet settled the dog’s stuff in the car while Mrs. Pumphrey thanked the vet for the ‘triumph of surgery’.
Chapter Sketch
The story recounts (narrates) the episode where the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, saves the life of a listless (dull) dog, Tricki, by hospitalising him to prevent him from being overfed by his wealthy owner, Mrs. Pumphrey, which was only worsening his condition.
About the Characters
James Herriot : James is a veterinary surgeon who proves to be a capable doctor and a wise individual. He is an animal lover and a caring guardian.
Mrs. Pumphrey : Mrs. Pumphrey is a wealthy single woman. She is very much attached to her dog, Tricki. She is very loving but weak at heart.
Tricki : Tricki is a lazy and fat dog who loves food. He is very fond of his owner. He turns out to be energetic and lively after recovering from his illness.
Chapter Highlights
- James Herriot stops his car and sees the poor health of Mrs. Pumphrey’s dog, Tricki.
- He advises Mrs. Pumphrey to put Tricki on a strict diet and make his exercise daily.
- Mrs Pumphrey’ continues to overfeed Tricki,which worsens his condition.
- She calls James Herriot for help on noticing Tricki’s deteriorating health.
- James Herriot decides to hospitalise Tricki for a fortnight to treat him
- Tricki’s hospitalisation left Mrs. Pumphrey and the helpers at home in tears.
- Tricki was kept on a strict diet in the hospital. His diet was increased according to the improvements he showed.
- Mrs. Pumphrey’s anxiousness about Tricki’s health went away on learning that Tricki was convalescing (recovering) satisfactorily.
- She started to send eggs, wine and brandy for Tricki to enrich his blood and improve his health.
- These items were instead Tricki enjoyed by James Herriot and his partner.
- Tricki was transformed from a weak fat dog to a hard-muscled and agile one.
- James Herriot calls Mrs. Pumphrey to come and take Tricki home.
Word Meanings
bloated : full of food or gas and therefore bigger than normal in a way that is unpleasant and uncomfortable.
hastened : to say or do things quickly without delay.
malt: grain, usually left in water for a period of lume and then dried, used for making beer, whisky etc.
relent: to agree upon something after refusing.
regime: prescribed course of exercise and diet.
tottering: to walk or move with weak, unsteady steps.
distraught: extremely worried.
swooned: to become unconscious.
supper: the last meal of the day, either a main meal, usually smaller and less formal than dinner.
despairing: the feeling of having lost all hope.
whimper: a low weak cry a person or an animal makes when they are hurt, frightened or sad.
slopped: to move around in a container; to make liquid or food come out of a container in an untidy way.
jostling: to push roughly against somebody in a crowd.
scrimmages: rough or confused struggle.
convalescing: recovering from an illness; to spend time getting your health and strength back after an illness.
chauffeur: a person whose job is to drive a car, especially for somebody rich or important.
lithe: flexible moving or bending easily in a way that is elegant.
Questions and Answers
NCERT Solutions
Read and Find Out (Page 1 and 3)
Question 1 : Why is Mrs Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
Answer : Mrs. Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he is unwell. He has refused to eat food and had bouts of vomiting. She feels that he is suffering from a serious health issue such as malnutrition, as he becomes listless and seem to have no energy.
Question 2 : What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
Answer : Mrs. Pumphrey starts giving him extra snacks like malt, cod-liver oil and Horlicks, apart from his main meals, to improve his condition. She is not wise in doing so because overfeeding Tricki is worsening is condition instead of improving it. It has made him very fat and lazy.
Question 3 : Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
Answer : ‘I’ refer to the narrator, James James Herriot, the veterinary doctor.
Question 4 : Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?
Answer : No, the narrator is not as rich as Tricki’s mistress, Mrs. Pumphrey. We can say so because the narrator seems fascinated by how lavishly Mrs. Pumphrey spends on the well-being and maintenance of her pet. He is unusually surprised by the enriching items she sends for Tricki, as he cannot afford them for himself.
Question 5: How does he treat the dog?
James Herriot treats Tricki just like he would treat an overweight and lazy dog, which Tricki is. He cuts down his food intake and keeps him under strict observation for the initial days at hospital. He gradually increases Tricki’s food and sets him free for physical activities to improve his health.
Question 6: Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
Mr. Herriot is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest because of the good food and wine he is enjoying in Trick’s name. He does not want to lose the luxurious inflow of fresh eggs, wine and brandy.
Question 7: Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is a ‘triumph of surgery?’
Mrs. Pumphrey thinks that Tricki’s recovery is a triumph of surgery because his illness was very serious. She was of the opinion that there were very few chances of Tricki to improve and he needed immediate medical attention. Thus, his revival without any medicinal treatments was a great achievement, according to her.
Think About It (Page 6)
Question 1 : What kind of person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
Answer : The narrator, a veterinary surgeon , is a capable and wise doctor. He handles Tricki properly which shows that he is sincere about his profession. He does not operate upon the dog unnecessarily and cures him by altering his diet and activities. He is a tactful person as he knows exactly how to convince Mrs. Pumphrey to hospitalise Tricki for a surgery. His decision to inform Mrs. Pumphrey to collect Tricki supports his sensibilities even though he was tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest.
Question 2 : Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?
Tricki was happy to go back home as he really loved him mistress and the comfort of his lavish life. He didn’t have any friends at home like in the hospital but he seemed equally excited at the sight of Mrs. Pumphrey . I think that Mrs. Pumphrey will now be careful about Tricki’s diet and health. She may also give him exercise daily as prescribed by the vet earlier.
Question 3 : Do you think it is a real-life episode or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?
The story seems to be a mixture of both. It may be possible for rich persons to overfeed pets due to love. It is not unusual for them to maintain a vast wardrobe for them either. But it is unlikely for a veterinary doctor to go out of the way and lie in order to save an animal. It is also unusual for anyone to consume food which is given in the name of a pet’s health.
Talk About It (Page 7)
Question 1 : This episode describes the silly behaviour of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly or can their actions cause harm to others?
Answer : Mrs Pumphrey’s actions had a harmful reaction on Tricki’s health. She was overparenting and overfeeding Tricki in the name of love. This worsened his condition to an extent that he had to be hospitalised. People like Mrs. Pumphrey are not just merely silly but their actions can definitely have dangerous consequences for others.
Question 2 : Do you think there are also parents like Mrs. Pumphrey?
Yes, there are some parents like Mrs. Pumphrey who spoil their children by pampering them. They overfeed their children/pets despite being aware of the harmful effects on their health. Parents like Mrs. Pumphrey should maintain a healthy lifestyle of their family and pets.
Question 3 : What would you have done if you were: (i) a member of the staff in Mr. Pumphrey’s household. (ii) a neighbour? What would your life have been like in general?
(i) If I were the member of the staff in her household, I would have not followed Mrs. Pumphrey’s command to feed Tricki blindly. In fact, I would have fed him according to the vet’s advice. I would have also skipped sending the unnecessary stuff like toys, cushions etc to the hospital. My life would been a very busy one, as I would have had to take care of the household chores and meet Tricki’s demands on time.
(ii) If I were Mrs. Pumphrey’s the neighbour, I would have advised her to consult a vet and followed his advice strictly keeping in mind Tricki’s deteriorating health. I would have also been supportive in their hard time when Tricki was hospitalised. My life as Mrs. Pumphrey would have been full of surprises and gifts as Mrs. Pumphrey was a loving lady.
Question 4 : What would you have done if you were in the narrator’s place?
If I were in the narrator’s place, I would have treated Tricki in a similar amount of compassion and love. I would have been equally caring as Mr. James Herriot towards Tricki. I would have just been a little more stern while advising Mrs. Pumphrey to put Tricki on a strict diet knowing her way of showing love. I would have also not consumed Tricki’s share of eggs, wine and brandy sent by Mrs. Pumphrey.
Extra Questions
Extract Based Questions
Read the following extracts carefully and choose the correct option.
Question 1 : “And did you cut down the sweet things as I told you?”
i) The sweet things referred in the extract are
a) biscuits
b) cream cakes
c) chocolates
d) Both (b) and (c)
ii) Why does the speaker enquire if the sweet things have been cut down?
a) To tease Mrs. Phmphrey
b) Because they were good for Tricki’s health
c) Because they were spoiling Tricki’s health
d) Because he wanted to break the ice
iii) Select the correct meaning of the phrase ‘cut down’
a) To add the quantity of something
b) To reduce the quantity of something
c) To cut something into two pieces
d) To attack someone
iv) The opposite of the word ‘sweet’ is
a) sour
b) sugary
c) bland
d) easy
Answer : i) (d) Both (b) and (c)
ii) (c) Because they were spoiling Tricki’s health
iii) (b) to reduce the quantity of something
iv) (a) sour
Question 2 : I tried to sound severe: “Now I really mean this. If you don’t cut his food right down and give him more exercise he is going to be really ill. You must harden your heart and keep him on a very strict diet.”
(i) Why did the speaker try to sound severe?
(a) To make Mrs. Pumphrey take his advice seriously and act on it
(b) To upset Mrs. Pumphrey
(c) To impression Mrs. Pumphrey
(d) To prove his authority
(ii) The advice of was given for
(a) Mrs. Pumphrey
(b) Tricki
(c) Everybody in Mrs. Pumphrey’s house
(d) Mrs. Pumphrey’s driver
(iii) Which word in the extract means ‘serious’?
(a) Harden
(b) Mean
(c) Severe
(d) Down
(iv) Select the opposite of ‘hardened’
(a) Chiselled
(b) Darkened
(c) Mellowed
(d) Softened
Answer : i) (a) To make Mrs. Pumphrey take his advice seriously and act on it
ii) (b) Tricki
iii) (c) Severe
iv) (a) Softened
Question 3 : As I moved off, Mrs. Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner of the drive; everybody was in tears.
(i) Where was the speaker going?
(a) To the hospital
(b) To the church
(c) To the cemetery
(d) To attend a meeting
(ii) Why was everybody in tears?
(a) Because the speaker will never return
(b) Because the speaker was terminally ill
(c) Because Tricki was being hospitalised
(d) Because Tricki will never return
(iii) The word in the extract which is the opposite of ‘cheerful’ is
(a) armful
(b) cry
(c) moved off
(d) despairing
(iv) What does the word ‘armful’ means?
(a) a small quantity
(b) a large quantity
(c) Some
(d) few
Answer : i) (a) To the hospital
ii) (c) Because Tricki was being hospitalised
iii) (d) despairing
iv) (b) A large quantity
Question 4 : “Poor old lad”, I said, “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure for you.”
(i) Why does the speaker say “poor old lad?”
(a) Because Tricki is helpless
(b) Because Tricki did not get food to eat
(c) Because Tricki was unwell and listless
(d) Because Tricki hurt himself
(ii) What was the cure for Tricki?
(a) To put him on a strict diet
(b) To feed him chocolate and cake
(c) To keep him away from Mrs. Pumphrey
(d) To let Tricki eat whatever he wanted to
(iii) What was the meaning of ‘a kick’ in the extract?
(a) a disturbing factor
(b) Alertness
(c) Sleepiness
(d) Seriousness
(iv) Find the word from the extract which means ‘heal,’
(a) kick
(b) lad
(c) for
(d) cure
Answer : i) (c) Because Tricki was unwell and listless
ii) (a) To put him on a strict diet
iii) (d) alertness
iv) (b) cure
Short Questions and Answers
Question 1 : What made James Herriot expect a call from Mrs Pumphrey?
Answer : James Herriot’s encounter with Mrs. Pumphrey and Tricki made his expect a call for help. He was sure that the extra diet and no physical activity would soon put Tricki’s health in danger. And just as anticipated, Mrs. Pumphrey called the vet a few days afterwards.
Question 2 : What ‘extra’ did Mrs. Pumphrey start to give Tricki and why?
Answer : Mrs. Pumphrey thought that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition, as he was weak and listless. So, she started to give him extra snacks like cod-liver oil and malt between the main meals and Horlicks after dinner to make his stronger. She also continued his cream cakes and chocolates.
Question 3 : What made Mrs. Pumphrey call the vet?
Answer : Tricki’s condition made Mrs. Pumphrey call the vet for help. Tricki had become fat and lazy. He just used to lie on his rug and pant. He also refused to eat food, even his favourite dishes. His bouts of vomiting added to Mrs. Pumphrey’s worry. That is why, she called James Herriot.
Question 4 : How can you say that it was hard for Mrs. Pumphrey to part with her doting pet?
Answer : Mrs. Pumphrey treated Tricki as her own child. She loved him very much. It was very difficult for her to see Tricki in such a situation. She was distraught when she had to make the decision to hospitalise Tricki, for her love for him knew no bounds. It was a terrible and tearful moment for her but she agreed to Herriot’s suggestion for the betterment of her pet.
Question 5 : What kind of treatment was given to Tricki? Did it help in his recovery?
Answer : Tricki was given a non-medicinal treatment. His diet regimen (a prescribed course of medical treatment, diet) was altered depending upon his body’s response to it. He was kept on liquid diet for the first two days and then his diet was gradually increased. Yes, this treatment did help Tricki as it built up energy in him. He had transformed to an energetic, hard-muscled dog in just a fortnight.
Question 6 : Was Tricki suffering from any ailment in reality? If not, then what made him inactive and lethargic?
Answer : No, Tricki was not suffering from any ailment. It was his greed for food and the love of his mistress that spoilt his health to such an extent. He was being overfed everyday and that made him obese and lethargic. That is why his health showed rapid improvement when his diet was controlled.
Question 7 : Briefly describe Herriot’s days of content.
Answer : The time of Tricki’s stay at the hospital was a period of content for Herriot. He used to enjoy the treat that arrived in the name of Tricki, as he could not afford all this for himself. Herriot used to relish the fresh eggs in breakfast, wine before and during lunch and brandy in the night.
Question 8 : Do you think Tricki was enjoying his stay at the hospital?
Answer : Yes, Tricki was definitely enjoying his stay at the hospital. He had befriended the gang of shabby household dogs. He had found a new joy in being bowled over , trampled on and squashed. He had also become very energetic. He used to play and run all day long with the dogs. He was having a great time.
Long Questions and Answers
Question 1 : Excess of everything is bad. Comment in the wake of Mrs Pumphrey’s love for Tricki.
Answer : Mrs. Pumphrey was a rich woman who loved her dog very much . She loved to live a comfortable and lavish life and also wanted her dog to spend a similar one. She had maintained a wardrobe full of fancy fur coats, dresses, beds etc for Tricki. Apart from this, she used to overfeed Tricki out of her love and concern. She used to serve him cod-liver oil and malt between the main meals and Horlicks after dinner to give him strength. She never realised that Tricki was a greedy dog and this would spoil his health. She could not even refuse to answer Tricks drooling for cream cakes and chocolates.
Her overfeeding worsened Tricki’s condition. This made the dog lazy, inactive and obese. He used to lie o his rug and pant all day long. Mrs Pumphrey fed him excessively, spoiling Tricki’s health to such an extent that he had ot be hospitalised. Even in the hospital, she continued to convey Tricki her love through eggs, wine, and brandy. Her fondness and care for Tricki proved that excess of everything made him fall sick.
Question 2 : Pen down incidences in support of values one should inculcate from Mr. James Herriot.
Answer : Mr. Herriot was a capable veterinary surgeon who treated Tricki. He was very compassionate doctor and a wise and sympathetic human being. He showed his capabilities almost immediately when he advised Mrs. Pumphrey to put Tricki on a strict diet after understanding his symptoms. He can also be said to be an understanding and tactful person, as he knew exactly how to free Tricki from the spoiling love of Mrs. Pumphrey for his betterment. He does not operate upon the poor dog unnecessarily and adopts a practical approach to treat him. Mr. James Herriot allays Mrs. Pumphrey’s anxiety about Tricki’s recovery patiently. He was in all a good human being and a successful professional.
So, one can inculcate the habits and characteristics of Mr. James Herriot, as he was an animal lover and knew that over-pampering could make someone idle and dull. He loved his profession and he treated his patients with full of care.
Question 3 : Do you think parents like Mrs. Pumphrey exist? If yes, is it a good thing to pamper children? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes, parents like Mrs. Pumphrey definitely exist. These people spoil their children by making sure all their demands are met. They spoil their children in the name of love and care. They not only feed them junk but also spoil their social habits. This kind of behavior is very harmful to children. Such overprotective parental behavior hinders their growth as adults. In fact, it sows the seeds of greed and dependency in them. They become stubborn and do not learn to value anything. For them, hard work is a myth as they get everything easily. Over-pampered children often fail to face the hardship of life later, as for them life has been a cakewalk. Pampering children in moderation is healthy, but excess of it is harmful. It is not just bad for humans but also for animals, as we see in the story of ‘A Triumph of Surgery.’